Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Two of a Kind by Susan Mallery

Susan Mallery has welcomed us back to Fool's Gold in the 12 book of the series.  In comes Gideon and Felicia who are two very different people.  Felicia is a young woman smarter than all of her peers and wants to be normal and fit in to society and joins Fools Gold to find that perfect place to life.  Gideon has been to hell and back as a seal, he was captured, tortured with a couple of friends who did not make it.  He came back to Fools Gold to find a quiet life and heal from long ago wounds.  As Felicia is sitting in Jo's bar listening to the radio with friends she hears a voice that has long been forgotten.  She asks her friends who it is and they tell her its Gideon like he is just a sultry night voice, who they all love to hear.  Felicia has problems and she needs to talk to someone who understands her.  She drives out to Gideons home and waits for him to arrive.  They talk for a while she offeres herself to him for "sex" and the rest is a very rocky road to love.  You get to see Mayor Marsha work her magic as well as a bit about Morgan the book store owner.  Charlie and Clay have a huge surprise for you that will have you laughing and crying.  This beloved story in Fools Gold has you laughing, crying and wanting to thump someonne and by that I mean a MAN..