Monday, December 9, 2013

On the Right Side of A Line
Author- Shandy L Kurth
Genre- New Adult Action/Romance

I thought I knew where I was going. I had my life all planned out. It had been mapped for me since I was ten. When I turned fourteen I became a Raven, just like my big brother. It was a lifer thing, not something you could walk away from. I moved up the ranks quickly, just like everyone thought I would. Now at eighteen I was close to the top. I could break thumbs with the best of 'em and bust heads with the best. I was a force to be reckoned with. Yeah. I had it all together before that one event tore my life apart, and that one girl got me all confused


“You’re gonna pick up some gated brothers out here sitting around half naked.”
            “I am not half naked!” she barked, finally looking up at me, her face flushing red whether it was from the heat or embarrassment, I wasn’t sure.
“You might as well be. What’s a hoity-toity like you doing on Columbus?” I bent down, checking out her bike that was leaned up against the railing, the chain still hanging off it.
            “You’re a real gentlemen, you know that?” she said slapping her book shut and standing with her arms crossed.
“I never claimed to be.” I laughed as she pulled her shorts down.  It didn’t help.  I snapped her bike chain back into place without too much effort and stood up, wiping the grease on my jeans.
            “What’s ‘gated’ mean?” she said after a minute of being a silent.
I laughed again, “Just let out…like the pen, just released.”
            She bit her lip and turned to go back inside.
“Wowa! What the hell we got here?” It was JB, a Raven of the low life persuasion which is saying something since none of us were prizes. “Where’d you pick up this classy broad?” he snarled, looking her up and down.
            The girl’s eyes turned huge as she crossed her arms over her chest again.  It still didn’t help.  I shook my head. I had way too much going on to worry about her, but something wasn’t letting me go.
“She’s my new girl.  I bought her up town. What do ya think?”
“ I think you better share,” he leered, taking a step toward her, practically drooling.
            “Oh, you know I never share. Shall we go?” I asked her, putting my hand out, tempting her to grab for it.
            She hesitated, still leery of me as she had the right to be.  She must have decided she didn’t want to be left alone in a house with JB waiting out front, waiting to catch her alone.  She reached for me.


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This was a new kind of book for me ~  I have never been associated with a gang or thugs so it was a difficult read when looking for a frame of mind.  I do watch crime shows and made it a point to watch some with Gangs in them to try to wrap my mind around the story.  It was interesting to see how Charlie and Valen's relationship go thru ups and downs in youth.  As teens they saw a lot of horror in the novel and violence.  Seeing or hearing someone being murdered outside near you must be gut wrenching.  I have seen one person accidently run over and killed and it was tramatic for a teen.  So viewing all images thru Valen, Mike's, Marks, Devins eyes along with all the other characters, I was transported to a lifestyle I will never see in my lifetime.  This was my first Shandy Kurth read and she did an amazing job drawing you into the characters lives.  Mrs. Kurth also opens your eyes to the many facets of Gang violence and how they handle snitches or someone who is thinking of leaving.  There is a twist in this book and its a good one so if your like me and find it hard to read in the beginning keep going it will pull you into the story.  I will read her 2nd book and find out more about this story.  A wonderful friend of mine turned me on to her books so to keep up I will continue reading.

About Shandy-

Shandy was born and raised in Wichita Kansas. She loves writing, reading, her school kiddos, her hubby, and her babies…both four and two legged.   She likes to listen to Rock and Roll… old or new and reads just about anything YA, although she’s still working on getting into the paranormal. When Shandy is writing she can't wait to see what’s going to happen next! If you don’t like her characters don’t blame her, blame them! They have a mind of their own!

Q&A with Shandy

I put together 5 questions for Shandy and you may want to also after reading her book.  I put info at the bottom of this Q&A if you want to submit questions to Shandy Kurth.  

Char- Are you ever going to tell Mike's story? How did he turn away and start a business, he said a bit in the story but how about his life, his family?
Shandy- I have made no plans to write Mike's story, however it is an interesting thought, and I'll have to keep it in mind! Mike is one of my favorite characters.
Char- How did you learn about gang violence? Is it from personal experience or did you research it?
Shandy- My knowledge of gang violence comes from research and observation. I have never lived around gangs or been in one, but there are many in my city. Most of my knowledge comes from books, movies and documentaries!
Char- Knowing that his girlfriend Charlie was forced into life in the hood, she chose to leave with him due to the danger she would be in for helping him. What happened to other family of hers to help her out besides the worthless uncle?
Shandy- In the book it says her lousy uncle is her only family. Background that is not mentioned is that her mother was an only child so she had only the 1 uncle, her father's brother. Her mother did not get along with her parents and only her grandfather on her father's side was living, but not in good health.
Char- Are you giving more of Marks story in other books?
Shandy- There are no plans to continue Marks story nor does he make an appearance in any of my other works. There is another Mark who is a main character in It Can Always Get Worse, but they are completely separate characters. I like Mark's character because he's a mystery but he's loyal, however I do not see a continuation in his future.
Char- If you kill off untouchables in the story and flee usually the gang leaders find you out and snuff you. So will it go on from there with the group who left being followed?
Shandy- Intriguing thought! I have no plans to make a second novel to this one, but I am considering a short. We shall see if this plot-line makes an appearance! Only time will tell

If  you have questions for Shandy,  please  email Beccie Weaver at  and  she will get them answered and sent back to you.  Thanks for the fun.

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 In the book the Gang's name is RAVEN if you had a gang what would the name be?

As a fun give away ~~ I will draw a name from all who leave a comment on this blog and send you a Thin Red Necklace with matching bracelet in honor of the RED in the title of this book.  And whom ever my winner is Shandy Kurth will also give you ebook for your nook, kindle or tablet which ever you have.  I will send you an email or if your on FACEBOOK please friend me at ~ ~ This way I can get in touch with you if you are my winner.